A few of these myths cover old ground, but given the notable lack of progress, they warrant repeating. The survey debunks four myths about women’s workplace experiences and career advancement. Due to small sample sizes for other racial and ethnic groups, reported findings on individual racial and ethnic groups are restricted to Asian women, Black women, and Latinas.-true parity remains painfully out of reach. However, with lagging progress in the middle of the pipeline-and a persistent underrepresentation of women of color 1 Women of color include women who are Asian, Black, Latina, Middle Eastern, mixed race, Native American/American Indian/Indigenous/Alaskan Native, and Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander. This year’s research reveals some hard-fought gains at the top, with women’s representation in the C-suite at the highest it has ever been.
This article is a collaborative effort by Emily Field, Alexis Krivkovich, Sandra Kügele, Nicole Robinson, and Lareina Yee.