and ive heard hotmail dont work sometimes but hotmail was the only thing the test didnt error on. One more thing lol.How can you tell if something is binded with its own server or some other virus because i just suspected it was the program it self.ok last question when you do email notification it emails you the IP and other info of the infected victum right?.and which emails does it work with ive hear yahoo and myweb. Also the only diff between the public and special edition is you cant get people behind networks and routers with the free one right?. But I was wondering where a clean version of *.* or 2.0 S.E. basicly every exe on my pc and other files were infected too much work for me haha. I guess one one the Prorats i downloaded were binded with a hella lot of viruses and probably a server. New downloads are added to the member section daily and we now have 423,242 downloads for our members, including: TV. Of course all RATS etc are trojans themselfs or w/e so you gota turn off your A.Vs. Prorat 2.0 was added to DownloadKeeper this week and last updated on 2. it caim with the account and code key to activate.
I've come across a few downloads titled to be S.E.